Go to FlexForms Systems → FlexForms Payment Links;
Create a FlexForm with Dynamic Price. (Dynamic Price should be activated by CCBill support);
Configure Approve and Deny redirectsredirect;
You need to open a FlexForm in a Sandbox, and then click “Promote to Live”
Approve URL: https://your-domain/payments/ccbillflexform/thankyou.html?result=success
Deny URL: https://your-domain/payments/ccbillflexform/thankyou.html?result=cancel
// Replace your-domain with your actual domain address;Configure Webhooks here: Account Info → Sub Account Admin → Webhooks;
You need to add two webhooks:
Webhook URL - https://your-domain/api/payment-systems/ccbill-flexform/webhook/sale
Webhook Format - JSON;
Event types - CrossSaleSuccess, NewSaleSuccess, UpSaleSuccess;Webhook URL - https://your-domain/api/payment-systems/ccbill-flexform/webhook/rebill
Webhook Format - JSON;
Event types - RenewalSuccess;
// Replace your-domain with your actual domain address.