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We estimate our work in hours. The standard estimation is 1 hour = $45.

Each individual task goes a long way before it is delivered to the client.

A queue of tasks (backlog) is formed every Monday. First of all, the backlog includes the tasks of customers who use our maintenance plans.


Why would one of the plans be useful to you?

  • your task will get to the queue on Monday and will be delivered within a week

  • you can discuss the task with the manager not only in the service desk but also in a live chat or video call

  • the cost of an hour is lower

  • the task is estimated based on the time spent on it

If there is still space in the backlog, we add the standard plan client tasks to it. If there is not enough space in the queue, the standard plan tasks will be in the queue only in 1-2 weeks.

The stages that each task goes through:

Story points

The price for any development services is formed based on the complexity of the task. For complexity we use Fibonacci numbers (1 story point, 2 sp, 3 sp, 5 sp, 8 sp, 13 sp, 21 sp). Thus, the simplest tasks that take less than two hours of work are estimated at 1 sp; tasks that require a full-time average developer at the middle level - 3 sp, 5 sp; a task that will require about a week of work, as well as its testing - 13 sp, 21 sp

Price for 1 sp is $100

The stages that each task goes through sprint:


We work on sprints. Each sprint is one week and it is planned in advance. We do not take tasks to work immediately after the ticket appears. Increasing the number of tickets requires more careful planning.

0. Before getting to the queue, each task is discussed and estimated by the entire team;

  1. Team backlog - here the task is waiting for one of the developers to take it;

  2. In progress- the task is under development. The status of your ticket also changes to “In progress”;

  3. Code review - is a code analysis to identify errors;

  4. Test queue - the finished task is waiting for its turn for testing;

  5. Testing on dev - the task is being tested on the developer's server;

  6. Release queue - the task that has successfully passed testing on the developer’s server is waiting for its release queue;

  7. Released - the task is released on your site and tested there;

  8. UAT (User Acceptance Testing) - the manager checks the readiness of the task and gives it to the client for review. In this case the Ticket status changes to Customer Review;

  9. Done - if the task is approved by the client, it goes to Done.

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Accordingly, the estimation is influenced by many factors.