How to set up Iugu (Scrile Connect)

How to set up Iugu (Scrile Connect)

1. Configuring your Iugu account

  1. Log in to Iugu

  2. Go to Settings (CONFIGURAÇÕES) → Informações Gerais. “Conta“ is your Account ID. Copy it, you will need it later on.

  3. Go to “Integração via API”.

4. Create new token API, to do so, follow these steps:

4.1. Click “Novo“


4.2. Set “Tipo“ as “Produção“

4.3. Click “Salvar“, you will see your token in the table as shown below. Please note that it is visible for 1 hour only, to continue setting up the system, copy and save it, you will need it for the next steps.

2. Setting up an Iugu account in the Scrile Connect website settings:

  1. Log in to Scrile Connect Admin section (your-domain/admin)


2. Go to Settings, and click “Payment Systems“

3. Click “Add Payment Method“

4. Fill in:
a. Account ID (same value as “Conta” in Iugu from earlier);
b. token API (the one you created in Iugu earlier);

5. Select BRL as currency (Iugu only works with Brazilian Reals)

6. Set status to “Active“


7. Click “Save”;

Now the System is configured.