How to set up Crypto.com (Scrile Connect)
How to set up Crypto.com (Scrile Connect)
Before setting
For subscriptions to work, you need to fill out business information and wait for confirmation from http://crypto.com
Setting up a Crypto.com account
Go to Developers → Webhooks
Click on the button “Add endpoint” and configure webhook
Endpoint URL - https://your-domain/api/payment-systems/cryptocom/webhook
// Replace your-domain with your actual domain address.
Setting up a Crypto.com account in the website settings
In the website settings your-domain/admin/settings/payments add a new payment method Crypto.com
Fill in:
API Secret key (You can find it in your Crypto.com settings Developers → API keys → Secret key)
Signature secret (You can find it in your Crypto.com settings Developers → Webhooks → webhook, that configured on previous step → Signature secret
Click “Save”. System is configured.