How to edit text of following pages: Help, Term and Conditions, Ownership Statement, Refund policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of use

There are two ways to edit specified pages - using FTP access and from Admin Backend in latest version of the System.

To update your admin backend to latest version please contact

Changing via FTP-access 

Path to files could be figured out from URL. For example, the path to Help page would be looking like this: and path with FTP access would be:


Where TEMPLATE_NAME is your current template in use. You can find our template name from admin → Domains → select domain name → find out template name from domain name settings.

Changing via Admin interface (in latest version)

1) Click on "Domain" icon in the "System configuration" section. 

2) Choose correct domain with your site name. You'll be transfered to "Edit Domain" page

3) Find section Informational pages

4) Add correct information to each page using wysiwyg editor. 

  • To edit page in fullscreen mode press on arrow icon. To close fullscreen mode press on arrow icon once again. Text will be saved automatically.

  • To see your changes on actual page press Open button 

    5) Save all the changes, press "Update" button in the bottom of the Edit domain page.