


1. Administrator is a person who completely controls all the internal processes.
What can an admin do?
The website provides maximum rights for the administrator, so (s)he can do almost everything:
- add, edit and remove all kinds of users;
- configure the payment system;
- set tariffs for site users (set default prices for all monetization tools);
- change the website policy;
- manage creators' content

2. Manager is a person who helps the administrator with managing the internal processes in the website
except for website settings.
What can a manager do?
- add, edit and remove all kinds of users;
- manage transactions on the website;
- manage creators' content

3. Talent Representative (Talent Rep) is a person who manages the creator’s profile and all their activity. This way all that is needed from the creator is content.

What do we think a Talent Rep can do?
- contact with creators on the 3-rd party messengers;
- bring creators to the platform using agreements with admin about the %;
- upload creator’s content to the profile, using creator’s login and password;
- fully run/manage the creator’s profile, using creator’s login and password;
- can not invite friends with a referral link

What benefits does Talent Rep get?
- confirmed with admin % of earnings of creator that he manages

Please note that this feature is a paid addon, if you are interested, please contact us at sales@scrile.com

4. Creator is a person who creates content on the website and sells it to members.
What can a creator do?
- create a profile;
- upload content to the profile for free usage and for selling;
- send paid content via messages;
- communicate with members via paid messages;
- communicate with members via paid calls;
- organize paid events for the members;
- set prices for all the monetization tools (choose from admin’s presets);
- sell content on a one-time payment basis or on a subscription one

5. Member is a person who purchases content from creators, the target audience of your site.


Credits - your website’s internal currency that is kept on users balances and is used for content
purchase. Website administrators can set up different prices for credits in different currencies.
See more on this in the Pricing section of this guide.

Categories - are the tags that a website administrator sets for creators to choose from.
When you launch your Scrile Connect website, you should decide for yourself what it will be
dedicated to and to set up the content categories or tags. One tag = one category.
Whenever creators register or later when they make their first posts, they will be asked to
specify what their page will be about by choosing from the preset tags.
Learn how to add tags to the website in the Categories section of this guide.

The Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1988, is part of a United States Act of
Congress which places stringent record-keeping requirements on the producers of actual,
sexually explicit materials. The guidelines for enforcing these laws (colloquially known as 2257
regulations) (C.F.R. Part 75), part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, require
producers of sexually explicit material to obtain proof of age for every model they shoot, and
retain those records. Federal inspectors may at any time launch inspections of these records
and prosecute any infraction.
US based owners of the Scrile Connect websites that contain adult content must incorporate
the 8 U.S.C. SECTION 2257 COMPLIANCE NOTICE into their websites and conduct all
necessary verifications.
To learn more about compliance with adult content regulations see the Security Compliance
Measures section of this guide.

Discover Page - a discover page is a section that showcases new and popular content from creators on the platform. This page is designed to help users easily discover new content that may interest
them, and to help content creators get their work in front of a larger audience.
The purpose of a Discover page is to help users find new and interesting content, which can
increase engagement and retention on the platform. For content creators, being featured on the
Discover page can be a great way to gain exposure and grow their audience.

The Scrile Connect Discover page initially prioritizes content from creators a user doesn't follow to encourage exploration. Followed creators' posts are displayed subsequently.

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