Security compliance measures for adult sites

Security compliance measures for adult sites

Due to the Mastercard policy change, we have prepared an overview of the announcement and
applied each new rule to the operation of websites built on Scrile Connect software. With Scrile
Connect there is no need to worry, we stand for clear and comfortable cooperation of all parties
involved in successful business development.

Let’s have a closer look at each requirement and clarify what exactly it means and what
measures are taken by the Scrile Connect team to comply with all these new requirements:

  • A written agreement must be met by the merchant and provider.
    In the Admin Panel, in every creator’s (content provider’s) profile, the admin has the ability to
    add any documents, written agreements, in order to avoid the loss of such kinds of
    agreements. The creation and signing process is the admin’s responsibility.

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  • ID documents verifying that every person depicted in the content is an adult are a must if
    a provider publishes any kind of content.
    Before becoming an approved creator on the Connect platform every creator goes through the
    flow where he/she/they add an ID scan, then admin checks it, and only after these measures
    admin approves the creator. Only approved creators can publish content on the platform, so
    everybody could see it.

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We are also ready to integrate 3-rd party services for ID verification for the additional fee, like Lightico or Yoti, for example. This option is available for the PRO and Enterprise subscription plans.

  • A provider and each person shown in the content must have a record of written consent.

Content creators publish different types of content: pictures from the phone camera, files with the professional photographers’ collaborations, collaborative content with other creators.

It means that every business owner should take care to support this process documentation and
get the record written consent from all persons depicted in the content. The Connect platform
gives the admin of the website space for uploading this documentation for every creator from
the admin side:

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  • It is permitted to publish content only from verified providers with an active policy for
    proving the age and identity.
    This is a challenge for every business owner to build a strictly working process of the creators’
    documents verification. We recommend you use ID verification websites, which are available in
    your country for free. The better way is to use special services.


  • Content must be checked before it becomes available to the public. It must meet
    Standards and be legal.
    Admin has the ability to check every post before its publication with the help of the Admin content wall feature. The post will not be published on the platform till the admin approves the content on this post. Just ask our support team to turn this feature on for your website installation.


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  • The Merchant has to check the content, they cannot market it, child exploitation is
    This is a personal responsibility of the website owner. Users who are sharing the content with
    child exploration materials or the depiction of non-consensual activities must be disabled from
    the admin side immediately. Admin content wall feature is a first step in the measures of
    management of such kinds of cases.


  • The Merchant must enable the reporting illegal content feature.
    Every user of the Connect platform website has an opportunity to report about illegal content
    publishing or otherwise violating the Standards with the Report button that will take a user to the Complaint form. Every user has an ability to write a description of the report and the admin will get it as an automatic email from the platform, so the admin could take measures and use this information in the regular report for the Billing company. Moreover, every user can write a text message to the admin through the Support button. The admin will get an automatic email as well and take appropriate measures, and also fix this case in the internal materials. Fixing every violation case with a description of the issue is a very good practice.

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  • Any person depicted in content should have the ability to remove any piece of content
    he/she/they are presented in.
    Every user of the Scrile Connect platform has the ability to write to the Support team and report
    anything in a text message. We are also in the progress of improving this functionality.


Other measures increasing security of your creators and users:

  • Creator can block a user – after being blocked by creator, member does not see
    the creator's avatar and new paid content, cannot send or receive messages, make calls
    and has no access to live events.

  • As already mentioned above, a user has the ability to report any content violating the website’s rules by going to the Kebab menu in the top right corner of a post and clicking a Report button

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By clicking a Report button, the user will be taken to the Complaints Policy form. In order to activate this feature, the website administrator must add a support email in the Admin Panel.

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