Live sessions

Live sessions

Live sessions feature refers to live broadcasts that content creators share with their audience at no

When creators you follow start a live stream, you will be notified via email and you will get a push notification on the website as well:

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Creators that are going live at the moment are marked with the green LIVE wording next to the profile picture. In order to start watching the stream, click on the creator’s profile picture:

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The stream will be shown in the pop-up window:

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You can leave a message to the creator that will be seen for all those who are watching this live session:

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You can also send a tip if you want to show your appreciation for the creator by clicking on the gift box icon and typing in the amount of the tip you want to send:

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If you open the link to a stream and it shows the following message, it means that the stream
has been already finished:

Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 13.54.20.png


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