How to setup Paypal (Scrile Connect)

How to setup Paypal (Scrile Connect)

  1. Go to https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications

  2. Choose type of application live. Create Merchant type app if it don’t exists

3. After you created new app, you need to add webhook in app settings, with Checkout order-approved, Payment sale completed and Billing subscription cancelled checkboxes.

Endpoint URL for webhook - https://your-domain/api/payment-systems/paypal/webhook , replace your-domain with your actual domain address including www if applicable.

After saving, copy your received Webhook ID for the next step.


4. Go to admin panel page on your website and add payment method. You will need Client ID and Client Secret from App settings, Webhook ID from previous step and Merchant ID from Live account settings

You can find Merchant ID here: https://www.paypal.com/businessmanage/account/aboutBusiness

5. Result

6. For testing purposes you can create a couple of sandbox accounts: business and personal. Also create sandbox application instead of live and configure webhook as described above.


Please pay special attention that you did not include any unnecessary spaces at the beginning or end of the line, when transferring information from your PayPal account to the platform!