How to setup CCBill payment gateway with the system?

How to setup CCBill payment gateway with the system?

Integration with CCBill (http://www.ccbill.com/)

  1. login into your personal admin area https://webadmin.ccbill.com/

  2. Go to Account Setup and create new sub-account or use existing sub-account from Account Admin

  3. Go to pricing admin and create packages (Single billing Option):

    You can use any period in a period value, which does not matter. Make packages for all possible values ($20, $40, etc). In our sample package it is made for $50.

  4. Each created package has own identity number like this:

    Please record all that numbers with 10 digits, for our example that will be:

    0000000607                   =$20
    0000000715                   =$40
    0000001040                   =$60
    0000002130                   =$80
    0000002413                   =$100

    This numbers will be used further.

    Also record account number and sub-account number that will be used in WebVideo as well.

  5. Create 2 forms for Credit Cards and Checks in ccBill system. It should be forms of Standard type. Record form number for further references.

  6. Configure return URLs
    Click on Basic info from sub-menu of Modify Subaccount and edit form like shown on the picture:

    Please note, you should put your real domain name, not yourdomain.com that shown on the picture

  1. Configure post-back URLs.

    Go to Advanced from Modify Subaccount and fill in information like shown on this picture:

  1. Configure payment engine for CCBill in WebVideo system


    1. Login into your personal administrative area in WebVideo and go to System Configuration -> Payment Engines

    2. Add/edit 2 engines for ccbill (for credit cards and check) and put correct values there:


      1. Name: ccBill

      2. Short Name: CCB CC (for credit cards) or CCB CH (for checks)

      3. Description: ‘ccBill: MasterCard,Discover,JCB’ or ‘ccBill: Online Check’. Description will be shown to client and you can use any value here.

      4. URL: https://bill.ccbill.com/jpost/signup.cgi?clientAccnum=123456&clientSubacc=0031&formName=70ck&language=English&allowedTypes=%all_packages%&subscriptionTypeId=%package_ext_id%&customer_fname=%customer_first_name%&customer_lname=%customer_last_name%&address1=%customer_address%&city=%customer_city%&state=%customer_state%&zipcode=%customer_zip%&country=%customer_country%&email=%customer_email%&x_customerid=%customer_id%&x_packageid=%package_id%

        Note, edit values: clientAccnum, clientSubacc, and formName with values from ccbill. That is your account number, sub-account number and form name. Not that form name usually end with ‘cc’ for credit cards and ‘ck’ for online check.

      5. Click Add button

    4. Put value org.softservice.web.CcBillCallbackPage in callback Handler for both credit cards engine and checks. Don’t forget to click update button for each engine.

  2. Configure payment packages:
    From WebVideo administration menu go to System Configuration -> Payment Packages and create packages for all your values.


    1. From the first column, choose CCB CC or CCB CH for configuring checks package or credit card. If you offer both options you should make all packages for one payment option then make all packages for another one.

    2. In a second column specify package ID. In our example we will use 0000000607

    3. In 3rd column put price in forma DD.CC or DDD.CC. For example 20.00 (be accurate, do not put 20,00 or just 20).

    4. In description put any explanation, we will put just $20 credits

    5. Leave additional parameters empty

    6. Membrship: one-time

    7. Then click Add

Make the same thing for all packages for both checks and credit cards (if both options offered). At the end, you will get something like shown below:

  1. All done and system is configured now. You can login as user and try adding funds. Check transactions from admin as well.

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