Selling media files

Selling media files

In the personal Profile a Performer has an option to upload their photos and videos. With basic Webvideo settings, this mediafiles are open for everybody. However, with this addon you can set a price for access to these files. All paid media will appear in “Private photo” and “Private video” section.


This is how it works for the different roles (Admin, Performer, Customer):

How can an administrator configure:

Admin can configure the videostore settings in admin panel:

  • Control content a performer can sell (video and photo, or just photos);

  • Manage preview;

  • Set the minimum and maximum price for the sold content;

  • Configure and manage the purchased content by the customer (the ability to download files and much more);

  • Approve private content.

How Performer can sell the content:

Performer can upload photos in various categories to different albums and set the name and price for each of album. Also, Performer can select up to 2 photos to make the preview of the whole album.


1. Go to the Gallery /exec/performer/gallery/private and select a category Paid Photosets:


2 Click on “Edit set price and properties“:

3. Set the Name, Price and Description:


Same action for Paid videos:


How Customer can buy the content:

Customer can purchase any type of content (photo or video). To do this, Customer needs to go to Performer’s profile - photo/video section:


Customer can click on a photo and see a preview of the entire album, and then decide whether to purchase this content:


Moreover, Customer doesn’t have to guess how useful Performer’s content is - they can actually check what they are paying for. We offer 30-seconds preview for video (admin can configure this setting in admin panel)

Furthermore, on the main page Customer can find all the paid content that is available on the site from different performers:



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