

Filter and Search

The “Users” section of the panel is where you will find all the information about your website’s users:
their ID’s, Roles, Balance in Credits, Screen Name, Email, Registration date and date of their
last visit:

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You can search for certain users using the Quick Search bar.
You can filter users depending on their role, activity and status on your website. You can also sort them by a list of other properties, such as registration time, last login time, etc.

Add User

You can always add new users manually if there’s a need to do so. Just click Add User,

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then specify their email address, password and role in the system and click Save. The user will
be added to the system:

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User Info

This section of our guide will tell you how you can manage users and their profiles as an

If you click on users Screen Names, you will get access to their full profile and will be able to:

  • View users’ profiles on the platform by clicking View profile and change users’ passwords by clicking Change password. You will need to enter the new password and click Save

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  • Disable or Enable users by clicking the small More button. Use this option whenever you need to block someone or to grant them access again:

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You will have to write a reason why you want to disable this user for your convenience:

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Please note that users will still be shown in the admin backend with the DISABLED mark.

  • Delete Users

By clicking the small More button as well. Please note that users will still be shown in the admin

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  • Send messages to users by clicking the appropriate button, typing your message and clicking Send. The user will see it as the message from the Admin profile:

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  • View users’ posts by clicking the relevant button. On this page you can see all the Creator’s posts, search for a specific one, manage its description, subscription level and a price for one-time purchase. You can also unpublish the post or upload more files to it. In addition to that you may delete some files from the post, change the cover photo, or download the files:

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  • Allow or forbid displaying users’ posts on the Discover page by ticking/unticking the Display posts on Discover page checkbox (available for Creators’ profiles only)

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  • View and edit users’ Profile Information

The Profile Information block includes information about users’ Username, Screen Name,
Role, Time zone and email. If administrator needs to edit any of these blocks it can be done by
clicking the pencil button in the top right corner of the block

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If administrators need to once again confirm a user’s email address, it can be done by clicking
the Mark as unverified link. The system will automatically send a verification code to the email
address of the user’s profile.

The email will look something like this:

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  • View and edit users’ Personal Information

The Personal Information section contains data about the users’ first names, last names,
addresses, phone numbers, ZIP codes, cities and states and can be edited just like the section
above by clicking the blue pencil button in the top right corner of the section

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Sharing this data is by default optional for users, so the section can remain blank.

  • View and edit Payee Information

This section is only applicable to creators’ profiles and contains information about their first and
last name, address, phone number, ZIP code, Country, City, State (if applicable) and about the
preferred payout system and currency

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  • View and edit creators’ earnings

The Earnings section of the profile is also applicable to creators only and features a list of
subscription levels set up by creators for their subscribers, as well as information about
percentage of creators’ earnings.

Website administrators can only edit the Creator reward section. Subscription levels are
managed by creators. You can find out more about this in this manual’s section “Scrile Connect for Creators”.

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  • Learn and add more about creators

The questionnaire section contains information that creators share when filling in their profiles
on the platform, so this:

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becomes this on the admin side:

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If the fields are empty, it means that the creator hasn’t shared any information.

Please pay attention: this section is editable from the administrator’s side, but whatever
information you fill in will be displayed on the creator’s profile page.

If you are acting as a talent representative, feel free to edit the Questionnaire the way you need
to. Our blue pencil button is the one to click for this.


  • View users’ registration information

This is an automatically generated section that contains information about users’ registration
date, registration IP address, last login date, last login IP address and referral URL, i.e. from
what page the user came to the platform:

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  • Manage users’ fraud status

Fraud not detected - default status for every user.

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Detected Fraud Activity - Admin can set this status manually, by clicking Mark as Possible
Fraud if users get caught on any suspicious activity.

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Passed fraud review - This status is applied to the user, who's successfully passed fraud
inspection. The website administrator can set this status by clicking on Mark As Passed Fraud.

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If the website administrator clicks Mark As Fraud Is Not Detected, the user’s status will change
back to Fraud not Detected

User is Fraud is the status that is applied if an administrator clicks Mark As Fraud. Users with
this status are banned from the system and can’t access the platform.

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  • View users’ subscriptions

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This section contains information about all the accounts on the website that the user is
subscribed to. The website administrator can remove user’s access to certain accounts (for
example, in case of violations from the user’s side)

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or cancel rebill for the subscription.

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  • View and edit users’ subscribers

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This section contains information about all the accounts on the website that are subscribed to
the user. The website administrator can cancel rebill or remove access for the subscribers as well.


  • View and edit users’ categories

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This section shows under which categories/tags a user chooses to post content.

Please pay attention: this section is editable from the administrator’s side, but whatever
information you fill in will affect the way the creator is positioned on the website.


  • View and edit users’ balance in credits

Website administrators can see any user’s current balance, as well as correct it at any time. To
correct the balance, type in “+” and the amount you wish to give to the user (e.g. +50) if you want
to reward them, or type “-” and the amount (e.g. -30) if there’s a penalty. Add explanatory notes and click Apply:

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  • View users’ transactions

You can have a quick look at the history of a user’s latest 5 transactions right in his profile on the admin side:

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To get a full overview of a user’s transactions, click on All Transactions (see the
Transactions section of this guide for more details).

  • Make payouts to users

When there’s a need to make a record of a payment to a certain creator, you can go to their
profile and click Add Payout:

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In the popup, specify the amount that you will be paying and click Mark as paid:

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Don’t forget to finalize the payment and make sure that the user gets it.

If the creator has already submitted payout requests to you and some of them are pending, this
section will contain information about the complete payouts, as well as will let you see the
pending requests by clicking the See Request button:

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See more information on payout requests here.

  • View and edit notes on users

When you have a lot of users, it’s easy to forget some important information about them or
certain agreements with them. We have taken this into consideration and added the Notes
section to user profile. Click the blue pencil and add all the information you need.

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  • Attach files

Apart from notes, you can also attach any documents related to the user (contracts, receipts
etc.). This feature comes in extremely handy considering the need to comply with various
security regulations:

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  • Block visitors

To protect your creators from cyber bullying and other forms of abuse, you can block certain
visitors or even groups of visitors coming from a certain IP or location. Just add the IP
information or type in a location name and click Block:

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As a website administrator, you can also see which users were blocked by the creator in the
Blocked Users section of their profile. To get the full list, click All blocks:

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  • View and edit users’ Referral program

If a user was invited by another user, you can add this information in the Referral program
section. Just click the blue pencil and start typing the name of the user that the current user was
referred by. Once you find the required user, click Save:

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This information will be automatically updated if the user registered on your website via another
user’s referral link. See more about this in the Invite friends section of this guide.

  • View and edit users’ Referrals

Website administrators can set up a commission that a user gets from any referral. To do so,
just go to Referrals, click the blue pencil and set up the percentage that you are going to pay to
the user for every invitation. Click All referrals if you want to see how many and what users the
current user has brought to the website:

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This information will be automatically updated if users are registered on your website via the
current user’s referral link. See more about this in the Invite friends section of this guide.

  • Edit Creator’s Talent Representative info

Please note that a role of Talent Representative is not a default one, it is a paid addon that introduces a new user role – Talent Agent. It’s a person who manages the creator’s profile and all their activity. If you are interested, please contact us at sales@scrile.com

Choose a user that will be a Talent Representative of the creator and set up the size of their
commission in this section. When a creator is assigned a Talent Representative, it should be reflected in the creator’s profile.

To assign a Talent Rep for a creator, go to their profile, scroll down to the Talent Rep field in the bottom right-hand menu, click the blue pencil, add the Talent Rep name and set up their commission rate, then click Save:

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From now on, the Talent Representative will be receiving commission from the Creator’s earnings.

  • Approve Creators

Every creator on your website must be verified by the website administrator. To do so, please
follow these steps:
- Go to the Users page. To make the search easier, you can sort out only the users whose
identities has not been verified yet by clicking Pending Approval:

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Now select the user that you need to approve, and scroll down to the Identity Verification

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Click the ID scan and Photo with ID links to download the documents that the user provided
when applying to become a creator. If you are happy with what you see in the documents, click
Approve, if not ,click Decline:

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