


1. Who is performer?

Performer – the site member who produce content on the website. They have their personal backend for managing their profiles and broadcasting area to performer live video content.

Performers use the website for earning money for they own.

2. Performer features.

  • Transactions - here Performers can see in detail how much money they earned with whom. Choose customer or transaction period (today, yesterday, this month, last month, this year, all time) to get more details;

  • Payouts - request payout and watch payout history;

  • Stats - full statistic of performer account - how much money performer earned, how much clients visited the shows, time spent online, chats duration;

  • Prices -  here Performers can determine the price (credits per minute) which customers have to pay in limits set by an Admin;

  • Profile - edit registration or profile info, payee info, set additional categories, change show description and so on;

  • Photos and Videos - add and edit public and private photos and videos. Delete and hide existed or set them as a default; 

  • Blocking -  block visitors matching following criteria - by IP, Country, State, City, Zip code. Also performer can specify the block reason in the comment.

3. How to start video chat?

  • Just Press Start Video Chat button and translation will be started;

  • Find wrench button and set up broadcasting configuration:


    • chat history font size;


    • sounds notifications for user entering, message and tip receiving, paid chat starting;


    • choose camera and microphone devices, broadcasting resolution, set mirror broadcasting preview.

  • Choose chat type;

  • To stop broadcasting switch off "Online" toggle.

4. Broadcasting area.

Performers are able to:

  • Set chat topic;

  • Watch this session tips and chat history;

  • Watch online customer list;

  • Write public and private messages to customers;

  • Clear chat history;

  • Record video and take snapshots;

  • Change chat types;

  • Pause broadcasting;

  • Start Tip goal;

  • And so on.

5. Payment process

Each Performer has a commission which he will receive from money paid by customers.


* A Performer earns 60%

if a customer paid Performer 100 credits that means:

* a Performer earns 60% of 100.00 = 60.00

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