What is Tip Goal chat mode?

What is Tip Goal chat mode?

Tip Goal – kind of group paid chat that starts right after a model reaches the goal amount of collected funds. 

By default Tip Goal is disabled on the site. To enable it go to System Config page and turn it on:


A model is able to join Tip Goal mode on Broadcast page:

It is possible to set up the goal amount, minimum tip amount and time to collect it. Lock for non-tippers setting locks the chat room for the users who haven't made a tip once the goal is reached. 

From customer point of view Tip Goal looks in the following way:

Customer are able to see the goal progress, minimum tip amount and time limit.

Once the time limit is close to the end, model is able to extend the Tip Goal chat time, get back to the the Free chat or clear timer:

If the goal is not reached, the collected funds are returned to the customers' accounts.