

The first thing you see in this page is information about your subscription plan accompanied by the Cancel subscription button which we hope you will never use

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.31.32.png

Coming next is Company information. Edit your Company name, Company Address, Site
name and Support email here:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.33.28.png

Important note about the Support email setting: make sure to fill this field in to enable the
Complaints Policy form, then your users will be able to report illegal/inappropriate content. See
more in the Security Compliance Measures section of this guide.


To give your website a more personalized touch, you can add your logo and favicon (a small pixel icon used on web browsers to represent a website or a web page) to it, the next section of this settings page is made for this:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.35.36.png

Click the blue pencil to start editing, then click Select File and Save:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.43.27.png

In addition to that, you may enable watermarks on your website:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.43.55.png

The watermark will be applied to all the photos and videos published on the website in the
following format: site name / @username, where site name is the wording that you mentioned
in the Company information above and @username is the username of the Creator published
the file:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 12.59.20.png

The last but not least of the General settings is the Google analytics code. It is enough to fill in your personal G-XXXXXXXXXX analytics code in this field to track website data:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 16.07.28.png




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