

This section is where you create and set up your payment packages for different products and
services that you sell on your website. Once you create standard packages, your creators will
be able to choose the prices they want to set up for their content based on these settings.

First on the list are Deposits

As a website Administrator, you can decide how many credits your users can deposit to their
accounts in one installment. To create a deposit package, click Add Deposit Amount:

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 15.09.10.png

Give the package a name and set up its value in Credits .Then click Add.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 15.09.53.png

Click Calculate for the system to automatically set up the package price in the currencies that
you are using on the website. See more info about this in the Currencies section of this guide.

Follow the same steps for all the other types of paid activities available on the platform (posts, messages, subscriptions, message attachments, pay per minute calls and appointments (please note that appointments is a paid add-on, contact sales@scrile.com to find out more).