NSFW mode (Not Safe for Work, 18+)
If you are managing a website with adult content please contact us to have this add-on enabled.
Available for: Pro and Enterprise subscriptions
Price: Free
To ensure your platform remains in compliance with the laws that regulate the age of access to adult-related content, we've implemented a robust NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content filtering system. This system helps prevent the display of mature content that may not be suitable for all audiences.
By implementing this system, we can ensure your platform functions smoothly and avoids any potential legal concerns.
Please note that once this feature is released, all of the existing creators’ accounts will be marked as NSFW by default. This will mean that their posts will not be displayed for those members who will not have their age verified.
Here below is the detailed description of the user flow changes:
All the creators will have the possibility to choose whether their profile contains adult content (NSFW) or not (SFW). They will be able to change it by clicking on “Edit profile” and scrolling until they reach “Safe for work profile status”:
New creators will choose their profile’s status right away on the “Become a Creator” stage.
Both the profile picture and the content of a creator’s post will be blurred for those users who will not have their age verified. To confirm the legal age to view NSFW content, when going to the “Discover” page, users will see the pop-up alerting about the potential sensitive content:
By clicking “Yes”, users will have to fill in their birth date, if the age is appropriate, NSFW mode will be enabled and users will now be able to see all the 18+ content:
In case a user chooses not to view potentially sensitive content, he will click “No” and will not have access to 18+ content until they choose otherwise and verify their age.
Once a user verifies their age, they will later be able to simply switch between NSFW and SFW modes by going to the “More” menu and activating the NSFW/SFW mode toggle: